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MIKASA Mask Aligner

■Manual contact mask aligners.

■Can handle silicon, glass, chemical compound, film, and various other materials as well as irregularly-sized substrates.

■Three types of exposure sources—collimator, multi-mirror, and integrator—are available to suit your budget and applications.

■Models are available that can handle substrates 5 × 5 mm to 100 × 100 mm in size and up to 6 inches in diameter.

■Easily replaceable mask holders and sample stages make the aligners ideal for research and development.

■Objective lenses for the alignment scope come in two magnifications (10× 20×) for accurate alignment, coating thickness measurement, and other applications.

Mask Alinger


반도체 장치

실험실 설비/재료 

Mask Alinger
Mask Alinger
마스크 어라이너

한솔과학 주식회사 / 대표이사: 곽관순 / 사업자 번호 213-83-35579

Tel: 02-473-3567 /  Fax: 02-473-6777

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